About the OPRA Exam

The Overseas Pharmacist Readiness Assessment (OPRA™) Exam is the new qualification standard for internationally trained pharmacists aiming to practice in Australia. Replacing the KAPS exam (final session in November 2024), OPRA™ ensures candidates meet Australian pharmacy regulations in biomedical, pharmaceutical, and clinical sciences.

Key Exam Details

  • Exam Format: Computer-based test (CBT) with 120 multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Exam Fee: INR 190,441.74 (subject to exchange rates)
  • Purpose: Evaluates pharmacists' competency and readiness for provisional registration in Australia
  • Eligibility Requirements: Must meet Australian pharmacy qualification standards and pre-registration is required before applying.

Eligibility & Assessment Services for OPRA™ Exam

To qualify for the OPRA™ Exam, internationally trained pharmacists must complete an eligibility assessment. Below is a breakdown of the services, requirements, and costs.

OPRA™ Exam Details & Costs

For international students from accredited pharmacy programs in Australia or New Zealand, and pharmacists registered in New Zealand, the Eligibility Check and Skills Assessment Outcome are combined into a single payment for added convenience.

ServiceWho Needs It?Cost (INR)Cost (USD)Key Details
Eligibility CheckPharmacists trained outside Australia, international pharmacy graduates (Australia/New Zealand), and New Zealand-registered pharmacists₹69,967$810Confirms eligibility for OPRA™ Exam and pharmacy practice in Australia. Non-refundable.
Skills Assessment OutcomeRequired for visa applications, provisional registration, and supervised practice approval₹25,908$300Mandatory for Department of Home Affairs & Pharmacy Board of Australia (PharmBA). Non-refundable.
Updated Skills AssessmentPharmacists with new qualifications since their last assessment₹52,847$610Updates prior eligibility records with new credentials. Non-refundable.
Work Experience Reference (Optional)Candidates applying for migration (specific streams only)₹17,297$200Assesses work history for migration applications. ❌ Not available for Knowledge & Competency Stream candidates. Non-refundable.

Appeals and Fees: How to Challenge Your Examination or Eligibility Decision

If you wish to challenge a decision regarding your examination results or eligibility check, refer to the detailed Exams Appeals Policy for the necessary steps and fee structure.

Further Description:

If you wish to challenge a decision regarding your eligibility assessment or examination results, you can submit an appeal to the APC Appeals Panel.

Appeal Fees

Type of AppealWhen ApplicableCost (AU$)
Appeal to APC Appeals PanelFor eligibility or exam result disputes$750 per appeal

How to Submit an Appeal

To challenge a decision regarding your eligibility assessment or examination results, follow these steps:

  1. Review the Appeal Policy to ensure eligibility.
  2. Prepare relevant documents and a written statement.
  3. Submit the appeal form along with the required fee.
  4. The APC Appeals Panel will review and notify you of the outcome.

APC Appeals Process

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) Appeals Process allows candidates to challenge the conditions under which an exam was conducted. It ensures fairness in assessing qualifications and competency for pharmacy practice in Australia.

How to Appeal

  1. Check Eligibility – Ensure your appeal meets APC’s criteria.
  2. Gather Evidence – Collect relevant documents.
  3. Submit an Appeal – Complete the form and pay the fee.
  4. Panel Review – The APC Appeals Panel assesses the case.
  5. Decision Issued – You receive the final outcome.

Key Points

  • Appeals apply only to exam conditions, not performance.
  • Must be lodged within the specified timeframe.
  • $750 non-refundable fee applies.

Applicability of the APC Appeals Process

The APC Appeals Process applies to candidates who wish to challenge the exam conditions for the following assessments conducted by the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) on behalf of the Pharmacy Board of Australia:

  • Intern Written Exam
  • Competency Assessment for Overseas Pharmacists (CAOP™) Exam
  • Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences (KAPS) Exam

For eligibility criteria and submission guidelines, visit our APC Appeals Process page.

How to Submit an Appeal

All requests should be submitted recorded as a hard copy utilizing one of the accompanying strategies:

  • Email: exams@pharmacycouncil.org.au
  • Prepaid Post: APC, PO Box 1227, Fyshwick ACT 2609

What to Include in Your Appeal:

  • Clearly state that you are filing an appeal.
  • Specify the exam result being disputed.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for appeal.
  • Mention the desired outcome of your appeal.

Submission Deadline

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) aims to resolve appeals within 30 days of receiving a valid application. However, complex cases requiring additional information may take longer.

Final Decision

If the appeal is denied, the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) will provide a summary of the reasons for its decision. This decision is final and cannot be appealed further.

APC Review Process

After receiving an appeal, the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) will:

  • Confirm receipt of the application.
  • Verify compliance with APC policies and guidelines.
  • Incomplete or non-compliant applications will not proceed to further review.

Evaluation Procedure

The appeal will be reviewed by the Executive Director of Professional Services (EDPS) or their delegate. The decision reached will be final.

Key Evaluation Factors:

  • Exam Procedures: Were all procedures followed correctly? Did any errors impact the outcome?
  • Result Accuracy: Does the exam result fairly reflect the candidate’s knowledge and skills?
  • Additional Information: The APC may seek input from exam officials or request further details.

If new evidence could lead to appeal rejection, candidates will have an opportunity to respond before a final decision is made.

Potential Outcomes

If an appeal is successful, the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) may:

  • Revise the exam outcome.
  • Permit a retake of the exam.
  • Issue a refund for the exam fees.

Timeline for Decisions

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) aims to resolve appeals within 30 days of receiving a valid application. However, complex cases requiring additional information may take longer.

Last Goal

In the event that an appeal is denied, the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) will provide an outline of the reasons for its decision. This decision is final and cannot be appealed further.


This policy defines the procedures for submitting, reviewing, and managing appeals related to the eligibility check phase of an Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) skills assessment. It ensures transparency and fairness in the evaluation process.


This policy applies to candidates who have submitted an eligibility check application to the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) and received a decision. Outcomes are communicated via:

  • Email notification
  • Skills Assessment Outcome (SAO) report


The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) conducts skills assessments in compliance with DEWR Guidelines for Skilled Migration Assessing Authorities. Candidates who have received an eligibility check outcome have the right to formally appeal the decision as per these guidelines.

Internal Review

An internal review is conducted by a senior APC officer who was not involved in the original eligibility check. This process ensures the assessment was error-free and fairly administered.

Key Points:

  • A fresh evaluation of the original decision.
  • Applicants may submit new evidence.
  • If the decision is reversed due to new evidence, the original eligibility check fee is non-refundable.

Steps for Requesting an Internal Review

  1. Submit the request in writing via email or post.
  2. Deadline: Requests must be submitted within 30 business days of receiving the eligibility check outcome.
  3. Provide a detailed explanation for the review request.
  4. Include any new evidence not previously submitted, with a clear explanation of its relevance.
  5. The review will be conducted by a senior APC officer who was not involved in the original decision.

Notification of the Review Outcome

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) will notify candidates of the review result in writing within 30 business days. If additional time is required, APC will provide a written update.

What the Review Decision Includes:

  • Explanation of the decision
  • Guidance on further appeal options
  • Feedback on how the decision was reached
  • Details on next steps available to the applicant

External Appeal

If dissatisfied with the internal review outcome, candidates may submit an external appeal.

Key Points:

  • No new evidence can be submitted—only information presented during the internal review will be considered.
  • The external appeal process assesses the fairness and accuracy of the internal review decision.

Steps for Submitting an External Appeal

  1. Submit the request in writing via email or post.
  2. Cut Off Time: Present the appeal within 30 business days of receiving the internal review result.
  3. Provide a clear explanation of the reasons for the appeal. Both parties involved in the appeal may be accompanied or supported by a person of their choice.

Notification of the External Appeal Outcome

The independent assessor will notify both the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) and the applicant of the external appeal decision within 30 business days. If more time is required, a written explanation will be provided.

Final Decision on External Appeal

The external appeal decision will include:

  • A detailed explanation of the outcome.
  • A final resolution, as this is the last stage of the appeals process.

OPRA™ Exam Dates 2025

Plan ahead with the Official Pharmacy Registration Assessment (OPRA™) exam schedule for 2025. Below are the available dates:

  • 3 - 5 March 2025 (Results release: 1 April 2025)
  • 14 - 16 July 2025 (Results release: 12 August 2025)
  • 24 - 26 November 2025 (Results release: 22 December 2025)
Exam DatesRegistration PeriodResults Release Date
3 - 5 March 20259 Jan - 3 Feb 20251 April 2025
14 - 16 July 20258 April - 16 June 202512 August 2025
24 - 26 November 202519 Aug - 27 Oct 202522 December 2025

Important Note:

  • Eligibility check must be completed 8 to 12 weeks before the registration deadline of your selected exam.

Register Now:

Complete your OPRA exam registration via the Candidate Portal.

OPRA™ Exam Seat Availability

Key Information:
  • Limited seats at test centers—availability varies by location.
  • Some centers may reach full capacity or be unavailable.
  • Venue details may change on short notice.
  • Seats may reopen due to cancellations. Candidates can reschedule via the Candidate Portal if a preferred seat becomes available.

Register early to secure your preferred test center!

OPRA™ Exam Test Centre Locations

Find a convenient test centre for your OPRA exam from the locations listed below:

  • Test Center 1 - Location A
  • Test Center 2 - Location B
  • Test Center 3 - Location C
  • Test Center 4 - Location D
CountryCities with Test Centers
ArgentinaBuenos Aires
AustraliaAdelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Townsville
EgyptCairo and surrounding areas, Giza
FinlandEspoo, Helsinki
Hong Kong SARHong Kong
IndiaBangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Mumbai, New Delhi, Noida, Pune

Registration Guidelines

Eligibility Confirmation for OPRA™ Exam

Before registering, candidates must:

  • Complete the Eligibility Check successfully.
  • Receive an official email confirming eligibility.

Need help choosing the right pathway? Check out:

  • KAPS Pathway
  • CAOP Pathway

For more details, visit our OPRA Exam Registration Page.

OPRA™ Exam Registration

Key Details:
  • Registration opens: 9:00 AM AEDT/AEST
  • Registration closes: 5:00 PM AEDT/AEST (about one month before the exam)
  • No late registrations allowed
Important Notes:
  • Test centers fill up quickly—register early!
  • If your preferred center is full, choose an alternative location.
  • Use a time zone converter to verify registration times in your region.

Secure your spot now! Register via the Candidate Portal.